New Initiatives by NPIU:
Employability Test (AMCAT) has been conducted for UG students of our Institute, in order to improve the placement rates, whereas Student Learning Assessment (SLA) survey has been conducted for the UG students which has helped them to recognize their competence level in order to focus on the area for improvement. Our Institute has established MIIC (MHRD Institution Innovation Cell) Cell. Digital Boards have been provided to our Institute for Accreditation purpose which have been installed in the classrooms. Equity Action Plan (EAP) has been implemented in our Institute. Establishment of tinkering labs is in process. Under twinning activities, students were deputed for Internships and Experts were invited for the establishment of CRFC Lab & for delivering lectures. Further, an International Conference NBL-2019 and 01 short term course (STC) were organized under twinning activities.
- Faculty/Students centric activities:
Faculty members have been funded for the seed money projects related to local issues up to Rs.1 lac which are in the final stage of completion. Eighteen (18) Short Term Courses, eight (08) topical lectures and five (05)workshops were organized through TEQIP funds for the students and faculty members for improving their learning and Teaching skills with Vide participation of faculties, research scholars & students. The Process of enrolling the faculty members for Digital learning such as SWAYAM Portal, VIDWAN etc has been started in our Institute.