The Department faculty keep involved in one or the other research besides training students.
Research Works:
- "High Temperature Tribiological Characterization of Non-Oxide Ceramics and Composites" Sponsored by Department of ,Science and Technology, New Delhi.(Cost Involvement is Rs. 17.5 Lacs)
PI: Dr M F Wani
- Lab development:-
Development of High Temperature Tribology laboratory to be developed under F.I.S.T scheme DST, GOI, cost Rs.0.7 crore.
PI: Dr M F Wani
- Dr. Nazir Ahmed did Research on Thermal Analysis of Smart Fins in a Micro Heat Exchanger (Nano Technology Research in Taibah University, 2007-08)
- Mr. Ankush Anand compeleted his PhD, ?Development of Design Methodology for Product Life Cycle Engineering' under the supervision of Prof.M.F.Wani
- Mr. Shahid Saleem is doing Research in Tribology Leading to Ph.D Under the Guidance of Prof. M.F. Wani at NIT Srinagar.
- Mr Babar Ahmad is doing Research in MICROELECTRONICS & MECHANICAL SYSTEMS-ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCERS leading to Ph.D Under Q.I.P. at IISc. Banglore.
- Mr. Adnan Qayum is doing Research in HEAT TRANSFER AUGMENTATION leading to Doctorate Under Q.I.P. at IIT Kanpur
Our faculty members can be contacted for the the following consultancy and research areas:
- Mechanical Design.
- Structural Dynamics.
- Thermal Engineering.
- Tribology and Maintenance.
- Material Science & Engineering.
- I.C. Engines.
- Production Engineering.
- Industrial Engineering.