Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir Prof. (Dr.) Bashir Ahmed Mir and his leading Research Group Published Latest Design Patent on“SOILSLURRY MIXING AND SAMPLE PREPARATION APPARATUS” for Reconstituted Soil Samplesfor high end Research in Critical State Soil Mechanics. The Patent Office Design No. 416513-001 Dated27/12/2024 |
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir Prof. (Dr.) Bashir Ahmed Mir, a Distinguished Professor and Foremost Authority in GeotechnicalEngineering, has been conferred with the prestigious “GANTANTRA DIWAS PURASKAR 2025” for hisexceptional and enduring contributions in the field of Geotechnical Engineering on the eve of 76 TH Republic Day(26/01/2025) by IMRF Institute of Higher Education and Research Vijayawada (AP) India. This most Coveted honourrecognizes his outstanding achievements and unwavering commitment to advancing education, research,and technological innovation in Geotechnical Engineering. Prof. Mir's remarkable contributions continueto redefine the future of the discipline, setting new standards of excellence. - 2025
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
Prof. (Dr.) Bashir Ahmed Mir Professor & Distinguish Researcher in Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India has been awarded “INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD 2023” in recognition of the consistent superior performance in GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING on the eve of World Teachers' Day Awards 2023 by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (IMRF), Institute of Higher Education & Research, INDIA (Regd with Govt. of India NITI Aayog NGO Darpan (ESTD: UIS 35 of 2001, Govt. of A.P.) HQ: Vijayawada, India
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
Prof. (Dr.) B. A. Mir, Professor Civil Engineering Deptt. has been Conferred upon the KEYNOTE PAPER AWARD during The Twelfth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, GEOMATE 2022, held in Bangkok, Thailand, w. e. f Nov. 22-24, 2022 organized by School of Civil Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology Thailand, and The GEOMATE- International Society, Glorious International, AOI Engineering, HOJUN, JCK, CosmoWinds and Beppu Construction, Japan
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
Dr. Bashir Ahmed Mir, Professor, Deptt of Civil Engg., has been Conferred upon the award of Distinguished Researcher in Geotechnical Engineering by the Board of Management of the Venus International Foundation based on the VISTA 2021 Expert Committee Report and Apex Committee Recommendations during 7TH Annual Science & Technology Meet (ASTM-2021)
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
The World Teachers Day Excellence Awards Committee proudly feels as a pleasure to confer my Profile for Indo Asian – Distinguished Professor Award 2021 in Geotechnical Engineering
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
Awarded Wall of Fame Award-An initiative to identify, recognise and award the contributors of higher education among Top 20 Expert Faculties in the field of Civil Engineering by the Academic Council of uLektz for the Year 2020-21
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
Recipient of Best Paper Award from SRMIST Chennai, India during the 1st International Conference on "Advances in Construction Materials and Management (ACMM 2021)" through virtual mode held on 25th & 26th of March 2021.
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir
Honoured with OUTSTANDING SCIENTIST AWARD In the 8th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, held on 21 & 22-Aug-2020, Madurai, India, Organized by VDGOOD Professional Association.
Prof. Bashir Ahmed Mir Honoured with Esteemed Grade of Fellowship by Open Association of research Society (USA) for the exceptional achievements in my Research Work (2019) |
Dr. Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh has been awarded "Best Paper Award” in “International Conference on Renewable Power-2020” during July 13 & 14, 2020
Dr. Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh has won “10 for 10 Typhoon HIL Award” from Typhoon HIL GmbH, Switzerland, Europe on April 08, 2019.
Outstanding Engineering Institute (North) Award by ABP News in 2014
Outstanding Engineering Institute (North) Award by Dhanik Bhaskar in 2013 |
Education Leadership Award to Prof. Rajat Gupta, Director, N.I.T Srinagar by Headlines Today |
Rajiv Gandhi Education Excellence Award to Prof. Rajat Gupta, Director, N.I.T Srinagar by Indian Solidarity Council |
Best Educationist Award to Prof. Rajat Gupta, Director, N.I.T Srinagar by International Institute of Education and Management Delhi |