Mechanical Engg Deptt. NIT Srinagar


Associate Professor

Tribology, Bio-materials, Friction Materials


Degree Institute CGPA Year Subject Description
Ph. D. 2018 Tribology NIT Srinagar
M.TECH 2002 Machine Design IIT Roorkee
B.E. 1992 Mechanical Engineering University of Kashmir

Publications Journal

Month-Year Authors Paper Title Volume PageNo DOI Impact Factor Type Journal Name
FEB 2021 Hussain O, Ahmad B, Saleem S. Tribological performance of biomedical grade UHMWPE/nano-Al2O3/Vitamin-C hybrid composite for cartilage replacements. Materials Letters. Volume 291, 15 May 2021, 129515
JUN 2021 Bashir M, Qayoum A, Saleem S. Experimental Investigation of Thermal and Tribological Characteristics of Brake Pad Developed from Eco-Friendly Materials. Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion. 2021;7(2). doi:10.1007/s40735-021-00502-x.
JUN 2020 Yellu Kumar, K., Qayoum, A., Saleem, S. and Qayoum, F., 2020. Effusion Cooling In Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers - A Comprehensive Review. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 804, p.012003.
JUL 2020 Hussain O, Ahmad B, Saleem S. Analysis of tribological behavior of medical-grade UHMW polyethylene under dry and lubricated conditions with human body fluids using Taguchi and GRA techniques. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 2020;089270572094190.
AUG 2020 Saleem S, Wani M F, Khan M J. Tribological investigations on tribofilm formation and retention under dry sliding conditions with increasing loads. Proc IMechE Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications 2021, Vol. 235(1) 59–72.
DEC 2020 Saleem S, Wani M F. Effect of load on the behaviour of tribofilms formed at the interface of austenitic steel and ductile iron - A Raman Spectroscopic study. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 1-15.
FEB 2019 Mir, M.J., Wani, M.F., Banday, S., Mushtaq, S., Khan, J., Singh, J. and Saleem, S.S., 2018. Comparative assessment of coated CBN and multilayer coated carbide tools on tool wear in hard turning AISID2 steel. Available at SSRN 3323677.
FEB 2019 Banday, S., Wani, M.F., Mir, M.J., Singh, J., Mushtaq, S., Khan, J. and Saleem, S.S., 2018. Nanoscratch Property of Self-lubricating Ti/MoS2 Nanocoating at Nano-scale Level. Available at SSRN 3321096.
FEB 2019 Singh, J., Wani, M.F., Banday, S., Mir, M.J., Khan, J., Mushtaq, S., Saleem, S.S. and Singh, G., 2018. Nanomechanical Property of Max Phase Material Ti2AlC. Available at SSRN 3321143.
FEB 2019 Khan, J., Wani, M.F., Gupta, R., Saleem, S.S., Mushtaq, S., Mir, M.J., Singh, J. and Banday, S., 2018. Tribological performance of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in aqueous environments and dry sliding. Available at SSRN 3321151.
FEB 2019 Mushtaq, S., Wani, M.F., Saleem, S.S., Banday, S., Mir, M.J., Khan, J. and Singh, J., 2018. Tribological Characteristics of Fe-Cu-Sn Alloy with Molybdenum Disulfide as a Solid Lubricant under Dry Conditions. Available at SSRN 3321083.
JUL 2019 Khan, M.J., Gandotra, H., Saleem, S.S. and Wani, M.F., 2019, July. Effect of material hardness, counter-face hardness and load on the tribological properties of virgin and glass filled PTFE using Taguchi Approach. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1240, No. 1, p. 012106). IOP Publishing.
JUL 2019 Bashir, M., Qayoum, A. and Saleem, S., 2019, July. Analysis of frictional heating and thermal expansion in a disc brake using COMSOL. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1240, No. 1, p. 012094). IOP Publishing
OCT 2019 Hussain, O., Saleem, S. and Ahmad, B., 2019, October. Implant materials for knee and hip joint replacement: A review from the tribological perspective. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 561, No. 1, p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
NOV 2019 Bashir, M., Qayoum, A. and Saleem, S.S., 2019. Influence of lignocellulosic banana fiber on the thermal stability of brake pad material. Materials Research Express, 6(11), p.115551.
JUL 2019 Hussain, O., Ahmad, B., Saleem, S., Wani, M.F. and Khan, M.J., 2019 July. Effect of counter-face material on the tribological characteristics of UHMW polyethylene under synovial fluid lubrication. Materials Today: Proceedings, 19, pp.260-263.
JUL 2019 Ashraf, U., Saleem, S.S., Wani, M.F. and Khan, M.J., 2019. Aug. Effect of load on the tribo-performance of 23-8N valve steel against GGG-60 seat material. Materials Today: Proceedings, 19, pp.349-353.
JUL 2019 Manzoor, S., Wani, M.F. and Saleem, S.S., 2019, Sept. Effect of load on the friction and wear behaviour of silicon nitride and silicon nitride titanium carbide ceramic composite. Materials Today: Proceedings, 19, pp.474-477.
JUL 2019 Hussain, O., Saleem, S.S. and Ahmad, B., 2019, July. Friction and wear performance evaluation of UHMWPE using Taguchi based grey approach: A study on the influence of load and bio-serum lubrication. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 239, p.121918.
JAN 2018 Mushtaq, S., Wani, M.F., Saleem, S.S. and Mir, M.J., 2018. Tribological and mechanical properties of PM Fe-Cu-Sn alloy containing graphite as a solid lubricant. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 14(2-3), pp.119-134.
FEB 2018 Saleem, S.S. and Wani, M.F., 2018. Effect of load on tribofilms at the contact interface under dry sliding conditions at 500° C: Einfluss der Last auf tribologische Schichten an der Kontaktfläche unter Trockenreibung bei 500° C. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 49(2), pp.169-184.
APR 2018 Saleem, S.S., Mir, M.J., Wani, M.F. and Mushtaq, S., 2018. Experimental investigation and modelling of PMEDM process with aluminium powder suspended dielectric on AISI-H11. Discovery Engineering, 6, pp.1-8.
JUN 2017 Saleem, S.S. and Wani, M.F., 2017. Tribological Characterization of N 80A and 21-4N Valve Materials Against GGG-40 Seat Material Under Dry Sliding Conditions at Temperatures Up To 500° C. Journal of Tribology, 139(6). 061605-061605-20. doi: 10.1115/1.4036273
FEB 2015 Bashir, M., Saleem, S.S. and Bashir, O., 2015. Friction and wear behavior of disc brake pad material using banana peel powder. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, eISSN, pp.2319-1163.
APR 2014 Wani, M.M. and Saleem, S., 2014. Computational performance evaluation of a four stroke cycle spark ignition engine using petrol and propane as alternative fuels. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 4(4), pp.210-221.
NOV 2013 Wani, M.M. and Saleem, S., 2013. Performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder four stroke cycle direct injection diesel engine using biodiesel-diesel blends as fuel. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 3(11), pp.352-359.
JUN 2005 Sheikh, S.S. and Nigam, S.P., 2005. Noise prediction model for Indian traffic conditions using L10 approach. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 47(2), pp.91-101.
SEP 2003 Sheikh, S.S. and Nigam, S.P., 2003. Regression analysis for selection of a noise descriptor to accurately predict traffic noise on Indian highways. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 45(3), pp.127-135.

Publications Conference

Month-year Authors Type Identifier Title Conference Name
APR 2019 Nano-lubrication: Effect of nano-additives on the tribological properties of lubricants. A critical review First International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology (ICMSMT 2019), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 12 – 13, April 2019, pp 665-670
DEC 2018 Preparation Characterization and Thermo-Physical Property models for Nanofluids 7th International Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Conference in IIT Bombay, FMFP 2018, Dec 10-12, 2018.
OCT 2017 Experimental Investigation and Modelling of PMEDM Process with Aluminium Powder Suspended Dielectric on AISI-H11 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Material (ICESEAM2017), 16-19 October 2017, Melaka, Malaysia.
OCT 2017 Tribological and mechanical properties of PM Fe-Cu-Sn alloy containing graphite as a solid lubricant 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Material (ICESEAM2017), 16-19 October 2017, Melaka, Malaysia.
AUG 2011 Computer simulation studies on a four stroke cycle S I Engine using gasoline and propane as alternative fuels Conference proceedings, National Conference on Recent Trends in Mech. Engg , NCRTME-2011, Lingaiah University, Faridabad,.

Book Published

  • Sheikh Shahid Saleem, A Noise Prediction Model for Indian Traffic Conditions, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN:978-613-9-47591-9, 2019
  • Umair Ashraf, Sheikh Shahid Saleem A Tribological Study of I. C. Engine Exhaust Valve Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN:978-620-0-00505-2 , 2019
  • Masrat Bashir, Sheikh Shahid Saleem Brake Pad Tribology Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN:978-620-0-00674-5 , 2019

Professional Qualifications / Membership

Society/Orgnisation Prof Membership/Fellowship From Date To Date
Life Member, Society of Automotive Engineers, 7180310022 01-02-2018 31-01-2028
Life Member, Indian Society of technical Education (ISTE), LM 34934 01-02-2004 01-02-2034
The Institution of Engineers-Fellow - F-1252557 29-02-2012 28-02-2034
Tribology Society of India, Life Member - LM – 5204 01-06-2014 01-06-2034