Dr.Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat

Assistant Professor

Graph Theory and Linear Algebra


Degree Institute CGPA Year Subject Description
Ph. D. 2015 Mathematics

Publications Journal

Month-Year Authors Paper Title Volume PageNo DOI Impact Factor Type Journal Name
JAN 2023 Tahir Shamsher, S. Pirzada, Mushtaq A. Bhat, On adjacency and Laplacian cospectral switching non-isomorphic signed graphs, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 23,3 (2023) P3.09. SCI
SEP 2021 Tahir Shamsher, Mushtaq A. Bhat, S.Pirzada and Y. Shang, Ordering of minimal energies in unicyclic signed graphs, Revista de la UMA , to appear SCI
NOV 2021 S. Pirzada, Tahir Shamsher, Mushtaq. A. Bhat, A note on the class of weighted graphs with strong anti-reciprocal eigenvalue property, Linear Multilinear Algebra, to appear (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2020 Mushtaq A. Bhat and S. Pirzada, On unicyclic graphs with given number of pendent vertices and minimal energy, Linear Algebra and its Applications 597 (2020) 86-93. (Elsevier) SCI
2020 Mushtaq A. Bhat, S. Pirzada and Juan Rada, On spectra and real energy of complex weighted digraphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 68,5 (2020) 1064-1076 (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2019 Mushtaq A. Bhat and Juan Rada, Lower bounds for the energy of weighted digraphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 67 (4) (2019) 743-755. (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2019 Mushtaq A. Bhat, T. A. Naiko and S. Pirzada, On Co-spectral signed digraphs, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 27, 2 (2019) 191-201 Scopus
2018 Mushtaq A. Bhat, U. Samee and S. Pirzada, Bicyclic signed graphs with minimal and second minimal energy, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 551 (2018) 18-35. (Elsevier) SCI
2017 Mushtaq A. Bhat, Energy of weighted digraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 223 (2017) 1-14. (Elsevier) SCI
2017 Mushtaq A. Bhat and S. Pirzada, Unicyclic signed graphs with minimal energy, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 226 (2017) 32-39 (Elsevier) SCI
2016 Mushtaq A. Bhat and S. Pirzada, Spectra and energy of bipartite signed digraphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2015)1-15. (Taylor and Francis) SCI
2015 Mushtaq A. Bhat and S. Pirzada, On equienergetic signed graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 189 (2015) 1-7. (Elsevier) SCI
2014 S. Pirzada and Mushtaq A. Bhat, Energy of signed digraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 169 (2014)195-205 (Elsevier) SCI

Book Published