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Research Positions

  Document / Link DescriptionDate
Advertisement for Junior Research Assistant in the Department of Humanities social sciences & Management. 03-02-2024
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow (JPF) one position under JKST&IC Funded Project| civil Engineering 01-01-2025
Shortlisted Candidates and Interview Schedule for JRF Position | Mechanical Engineering 16-12-2024
List of Shortlisted Candidates and Interview Schedule for RA Position| Mechanical Engineering 13-12-2024
List of Shortlisted condidates for the positions of Researh Assistant and Field Investigatores for the ICSSR | HSS&M 05-12-2024
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC,DST sponsored project|Mechanical engineering. 29-11-2024
Advertisement for the Post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC, DST Sponsored Project|Mechanical Engineering 28-11-2024
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) |Mechanical Engineering Department. 26-11-2024
Eligibility list of candidates applied for thr post of Research assistant| Electrical engineering Department.  20-11-2024
Advertisement Notice Vision Viksit Bharat @2027 Indian Council Of Social Science Research 14-11-2024
List of Eligible/Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of Junior Research Assistant Project Fellow under JKST&IC Sponsored Project (File No. JKST&IC/SRE/391-95) Sponsored Project 14-11-2024
List of shortlisted candidates and interview schedule for the post of Project Associate under SERB funded project. 06-11-2024
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant under Typhoon HIL Sponsored Project| Electrical Engineering Department.
List of shortlisted applicants for the interview for the post of JPF in JKST&IC, Govt. of J&K, a funded project |Civil Engineering Department. 21-10-2024
 list of eligible/non-eligible candidates for the appointment of a research assistant under JKST&IC sponsored project  17-10-2024
Advertisement for 01 JRA position for the sanctioned JKST&IC project | Electrical Engineering 15-10-2024
Advertisement for the appointment of Research Assistant under JKST&IC Project | Civil Engineering Department 09-10-2024
interview notice for the position of Junior Research Assistant under the project sponsored by JKSTIC, Govt. of J&K. 08-10-2024
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow (JPF) Position (01 post) under JKST&IC funded Project| civil Engineering Department. 07-10-2024
Advertisement for one post of Project Associate -I under SERB sponsored project Civil Engineering Department|Application form 23-09-2024
Interview Notice Jpf| Civil Engineering Department 19-09-2024
Advertisement for SRF recruitment under CSIR-sponsored Project | IT Department  | Extended Date 11-09-2024
List of candidates eligible for the position of Junior Research Assistant under the project sponsored by JKSTIC Govt. of J&K
Advertisement for SRF recruitment under CSIR-sponsored Project | IT Department 06-09-2024
Eligibility List for JRA position under JKST&IC project (Re-Advt.) 23-08-2024

Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Assistant under JKST&IC Funded Project


 List of eligible Applicants & Interview notice | Computer Science Engineering

Advertisement for JPF in Civil Engineering Department 13-07-2024

Student Internship under SERB-DST Sponsored Project|Civil

Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)| Mechanical Engineering. 01-07-2024
Re-Advertisement for JRA recruitment under JKSTIC Project| CSE 01-07-2024
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow on Atmospheric Rivers over the Himalayas in SERB-funded project 25-06-2024
Re-Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Assistant under JKST&IC  EED  14-06-2024
 list of Eligible-Ineligible Candidates for the JRA position at EED w.r.t JKST&IC project  10-06-2024

Advertisement for JRF Position (01 post) under SERB-funded Project
Interview notice for recruitment of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) under a sponsored project by JKST&IC in the Department of Civil EngineeringInbox 27-05-2024
Approval/Sanction Order for 01 (One) JRA position recruitment under JKSTIC Project | CSE   27-05-2024
Advertisement for the appointment of a research assistant under the JKST&IC-sponsored project. | Civil Engineering Department 16-05-2024
list of eligible and ineligible candidates for the post of Junior Research Assistant (Project Fellow) under the JKST&IC-DST sponsored project |chemistry  16-05-2024
Interview call notification for JRA position in Physics Departmen 15-05-2024
Updated List of eligible/ineligible candidates for JRA position in the Physics Department     15-05-2024 
Advertisement for JRA recruitment under JKSTIC Projects | Information Technology department
List of eligible/ineligible candidates for the post of Junior Research Assistant in the Physics Department vide advertisement-Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) in the Department of Physics, NIT Srinagar under the JKST&IC Sponsored Project. 08-05-2024
Revised List of Eligible/Ineligible and  Interview Notice for the Position of Junior Research Assistant in Chemical Engineering Department under JKSTIC, DST, GOI project, entitled “Development of mixed matrix membranes for water purifications application” vide Advertisement No.: NIT/CHE /303 Dated: April 03 /2024 06-05-2024
Revised list of eligible candidates to attend interview for the position ofResearch Assistant in the project titled-Production of Biofuel from Fruit and Vegetable Waste ofJ&K funded by JKST&IC,DST. | Mechanical Engineering.  03-05-2024
Interview Notice and Eligibility/Ineligibility list with reference to Advertisement no. NIT/CHE-303 dated 03-04-2024. 03-05-2024

list of eligible candidates for the position of Research assistant for the Project titled-Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement for Electronic Cooling Applications using Synthetic Jet actuators.
Eligibility list and date of interview for JRA in the department of Chemical Engg under DST JKSTC. 01-05-2024
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Assistant in the Department of Physics, NIT Srinagar (J&K) under the JKSTIC Project 30-04-2024
Interview notice & Eligibility list for JKST&IC Project WATER PURIFICATION USING 3D PRINTING HYDROGEL CAPSULE MEMBRANES 23-04-2024
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Assistant under JKST&IC Project | Electrical Engineering. 25-04-2024
Interview Notice /Ineligibility list for the engagement  of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) on NIT Srinagar website for J&K Science Technology Innovation Council, DST, funded research project entitled Green energy, waste management and waste water treatment using microbial fuel cell 25-04-2024
list of eligible/non-eligible candidates for the appointment of a junior research fellow (JRF) under the SERB-DST sponsored project | Civil Engineering Dept.  25-04-2024
Interview for the Post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC, DST Sponsored Project (Project ID: JKSTI&IC/SRF/246-50)| Mechanical Engineering 24-04-2024
Eligible list of candidates who have applied for the Position of Research Associate -I Under SERB, DST, GOI project | Chemistry 22-04-2024
Updated list of eligible/ineligible candidates for the post of research associate in the physics department vide adv No 555 dated 12/03/2024 19-04-2024
Conduct of Interview for the recruitment of Research Associate I to work on a SERBsponsored research project (CRG/2023/008093) entitled-In situ Kinetics and mechanistic studiesof Electrochemical Water Splitting Reactions using MOF based catalysts 18-04-2024
Eligibility list and interview notice for JRA recruitment under the JKSTIC Project in the Electrical Engineering Department in the project titled-Uncertainty quantification and development of algorithms for stochastic analysis of electric vehicle and battery storage integrated microgrid with uncertain wind and solar generation.  18-04-2024
Interview Postponement Notice-Design and Implementation of a Novel Sensorless Control Scheme for Electric Vehicle Drive Application with Reduced Torque & Current Ripples 
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under SERB-DST Sponsored Project entitled Development of Rice HuskDerived Bio-Oil Modified Asphalt Binder An Emerging Sustainable Road Construction Material |Civil   16-04-2024
Eligibility list and interview notice for JRA recruitment under the JKSTIC Project in the Electrical Engineering Department in the project titled-Uncertainty quantification and development of algorithms for stochastic analysis of electric vehicle and battery storage integrated microgrid with uncertain wind and solar generation.  13-04-2024
List of Eligible and Non-eligible Candidates for the Post of RA under JKST&IC, DST,  Department of Mechanical Engineering  09-04-2024
Eligibility & Interview Notice for the JKSTIC-DST-sponsored research project: NPK-based moisture retention superabsorbent fertilizer 09-04-2024
Advertisement for 01 (One) JRA recruitment under a JKSTIC Project | CSE 04-04---2024
Advertisement for 01 (One) JRA recruitment under a JKSTIC Project | CSE   04-04-2024
Advertisement for JRA recruitment under JKSTIC Project | Mechanical Engineering. 04-04-2024
Conduct of Interview for the recruitment of Project Fellow under sponsored JK ST&IC- DST projected entitled'Ánalyisis and Evaluation of Dal lake Biomass for conversion to Fuel/ fertilizer | Chemistry  04-04-02024
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Assistant in the Department of Physics, NIT
Srinagar (J&K) under the JKSTIC Project
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow (JPF) Position (01 post) under JKST&IC funded Project |Civil Engineering.  03-04-2024
Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow under JKST & IC (DST) Sponsored Project | Chemistry 03-04-2024
Advertisement for the post of JPF in JKSTIC funded ANAMMOX project | Civil Engineering. 03-04-2024
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC,DST sponsored project | Mechanical Engineering 03-04-2024
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC,DST sponsored project | Mechanical Engineering. 03-04-2024
List of Eligible Students for the DST-SERB (EMEQ) Project in the ECE Dept 02-04-2024
Reschedule of Interview for the recruitment of project fellow under sponsored JKST&IC -DST project | CSE 02-04-2024
Advertisement notice for the position of Research Assistant for the ICSSR-sponsored project| Humanities Department 02-04-2024
Department of computer science. List of Eligible Applicants and Interview Notice 01-04-2024
Postponement of Interview for the recruitment of project fellow undersponsored JK ST&IC -DST project entitled -Analysis and Evaluation of DalLake Biomass for Conversion to Fuel/Green fertilizer-Reference: Advertisement no NIT/CHEM/24/209 Dated March 05, 2024
List of eligible/ineligible candidates for the post of Research Associate In Physics Department. 27-03-2024
Conduct of Interview for the recruitment of Research fellow under the sponsored SERB-EEQ project entitled -Assessing the Impact of Sediment Load on Riverbank Erosion and Predictive Analyses of Suspended Sediment Load in Jhelum River Basin 27-03-2024
Junior Project Fellow (JPF) position in the Structural Engineering Division of the Department of Civil Engineering under Dr. F. A. Sofi (P.I.) and Prof. J. A. Bhat (Co-P.I.) 27-03-2024
Eligibility List of the candidates applied for the position of Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering Department  27-03-2024
 Conduct of Interview for the recruitment of project fellow under sponsored JK ST&IC -DST project entitled Analysis and Evaluation of Dal Lake Biomass for Conversion to Fuel/Green fertilizer| Reference - Advertisement no NIT/CHEM/24/209 Dated March 05, 2024 26-03-2024
Advertisement for 01 Junior Project fellow (JPF) Position under JK STIC funded Project |civil engg. 26-03-2024
Advertisement for Junior Research Assistant position for the JKSTIC project in the Department of Electrical Engineering (Last date to apply 5th April 2024)
Advertisement for Research Associate (RA-1) positionunder SERB , GOI Project in the Physical Chemistry Research Lab, Department of Chemistry. 22-03-2024
Advertisement for the Post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC, DST Sponsored Project | Mechanical engg Department- 21-03-2024
List of Eligible/ Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of JRF funded by NBHM, Mathematics Department.  20-03-2024

Date of Interview and List of eligible/Ineligible candidates for JRA recruitment in the Department of Information Technology. 


Advertisement for the Post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC, DST Sponsored Project | Mechanical Engg.

 New Interview Date of Junior Research Assistants in JKSTIC Projects for E&C Department.
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Assistant in the Department of Physics, NIT
Srinagar (J&K) under the JKSTIC Project
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow (JPF) Position (01) under JK STIC-funded 11-03-2023
Advertisement for Research Associate Position | Physics 12-03-2024
Advertisement No: EED /NIT/267 DT: March 11, 2024Advertisement for JRA recruitment under JKSTIC Project 11-03-2024
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow under JKST&IC funded Project : Electrical
( Design and Implementation of a Novel Sensorless Control Scheme for Electric Vehicle Drive Application with Reduced Torque & Current Ripples) 
Advertisement for JRF recruitment under DST-SERB (EMEQ) Project [Civil]  07-03-2024
Advertisement No: NITS/IT/2024/536 DT: March 07, 2024Advertisement for JRA recruitment under JKSTIC Projects | IT   07-03-2024
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant under JKST&IC,DST Sponsored Project |Electrical Engg  07-03-2023

List of eligible candidates and Interview notice Under following Projects| ECE  








Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow (JPF) Position (01 post) under JKST&IC funded Project |Civil  07-03-2024
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (RA) under JKST&IC,DST sponsored project | Mechanical Engineering  07-03-2024
Advertisement for JRA recruitment under JKSTIC Project  |CSE  06-03-02024
Advertisement No: NITS/ECE/24/223 DT: MARCH 06, 2024Advertisement for JRF recruitment under DST-SERB (EMEQ) Project | ECE  06-03-2024
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow (JPF) Position (01 post) under JKST&IC funded Project | Civil   05-03-2024
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow under JKST&IC funded Project : CIVIL 
(Activated Charcoal &Bentonite Constructed Wetlands for Landfill Leachate Treatment in Srinagar only Landfill at Achan
Advertisement for Junior Project Fellow under JKST&IC funded Project : CIVIL
(Sinkhole SusceptibilityMapping of Breng Valley with Karst Topography)
Advertisement for Project Fellow recruitment under JKST&IC Project | Chemistry  05-03-2024
Corrigendum regarding the Interview date for the recruitment of JRF under the SERB-DST sponsored project of the Mechanical Engineering Department.  29-02-2024
List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in the interview for the post of JRF under SERB-DST Sponsored Project (Ref.No.CRG/2022/008958) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering  27-02-2024
JRF recruitment under the NBHM-DAE project | Mathematics  26-02-2023
Advertisement for JRA Recruitment under JKSTIC Project Development of tunable band gap perovskite material for photovoltaic application  | ECE  15-02-2024
Advertisement for JRA Recruitment under JKSTIC Project A novel method for minimization of false alarms in medical units | ECE  15-02-2024
Advertisement for JRA Recruitment under JKSTIC Project Design and Development of Non-Intrusive load monitoring framework using smart meter data analysis | ECE  15-02-2024
Advertisement for JRA Recruitment under JKSTIC Project Archite.ctural & Technology-Dependent optimization of DSP Filters for FPGA based Image Processing applications | ECE  15-02-2024
Advertisement for JRA Recruitment under JKSTIC Project Design and Investigation of materials of use in PSC to obtain optimum performance parameters | ECE  15-02-2024
Advertisement for JRA Recruitment under JKSTIC Project Investigation of Electrical Parameters in Organic Solar Cells due to incorporation of Metallic Nanoparticles | ECE  15-02-2024

Re-advertisement for the post of JRF for the SERB funded Project under Mechanical Engineering Department 

Advertisement for the post of JRF in ICMR funded project 15-01-2024
List of Eligible/ Not Eligible Candidates and Interview Notice for Student Internship under DST-SERB Project 12-01-2024
List of Eligible/ Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of Project Associate-I 05-01-2023
Advertisement for Recruitment of Student Intern Under DST-SERB project 29-12-2023
SERB funded project Associate 1 interview Results  29-12-2023
List of candidates eligible for ICSSR sponsored Research Project 05-12-2023
Advertisement for Recruitment of Project Associate- I Under DST-SERB 05-12-2023
List of Eligible/ Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow | Civil Engineering - Seismic Wave-based Tools 28-11-2023
List of Eligible/Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of Project Associate-I- Civil Engineering 24-11-2023
List of Eligible/Not Eligible Candidates for Student Internship under SSR Activities of SERB-DST Sponsored Project 15-11-2023
 Research assistant positions in project HSS&M Department 07-11-2023
Advertisement for One Post of Student Internship under SERB-DST Sponsored Project - Chemistry 31-10-2023
Advertisement for the Post of JRF under DST-SERB Sponsored Project   |  Appliction Format 27-10-2023
Advertisement for one post of Project Associate -I under SERB sponsored project   |  Application Format 27-10-2023
Eligible/In-eligible candidates for the post of JRF in DST Funded Project - Civil Engineering 05-10-2023
Eligibility list for the post of student internship 22-09-2023
List of Eligible-Ineligible JRF Candidates for SAP 2022 project-Electrical 11-09-2023
List of Eligible-Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of JRF under CSIR-Funded Research Project- Physics 11-09-2023
Advertisement for One Post of Student Internship under SERB-DST Sponsored Project 02-09-2023
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under SAP 2022 Project 30-08-2023
List of Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow under SERB-DST 29-08-2023
Engagement of JRF in Civil Engineering Department under DST sponsored project 25-08-2023
Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under SERB-DST sponsored project 23-08-2023
Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the CSIR-Funded Research Project 10-08-2023
Advertisement for post of Technical Assistant under DST-TIFAC Project 27-07-2023
Advertisement for the post of JRF under SERB-DST sponsored project 12-07-2023
Eligibility list of CRS Project Fellow at Department of Chemistry 06-07-2023
RF Interview at Department of Chemistry “Molecular Engineering on Porphyrins Skeleton to Develop Novel Nanotweezers andNanocalipers for Carbon Nanotube Extraction”, 06-07-2023
Eligibilty list and Interview notice for the postion of JRF under Indo Russian Joint Project 28-06-2023
Re-advertisement for the Position of JRF under Indo Russian Joint Project 16-06-2023
Advertisement for TIFAC Project undertaken by IIEDC 08-06-2023
Advertisement of CRS Project Fellow in the Department of Chemistry 31-05-2023
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow in our DRDO  Project 25-05-2023
List of candidates shortlisted for JRF interview (Department of Civil Engineering) 19-05-2023
Advertisement for Recruitment of JRF Under DST-SERB Project 15-05-2023
Advertisement for JRF Recruitment under DST-SERB sponsored project in Civil Engineering Department 13-04-2023
Shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Associate-1 | Physics 12-04-2023
Eligibility List and Interview notice for the position of JRF under Indo Russian Joint project  05-04-2023
Eligibility list and interview notice for JRF and Project Technician I position in ICMR project 25-03-2023
Advertisement for the post of Project Associate-1 under SERB-DST Sponsored Project 17-03-2023
Advertisement for the Position of JRF under Indo Russian Joint Project 16-03-2023
List of "Eligible/Ineligible" candidates for JRF under SERB-DST sponsored project - Chemistry 07-03-2022
Advertisement for JRF Position (01) under ICMR-Extramural Ad hoc Project - Civil Engineering  02-03-2023
Advertisement for 01 Project Technician - I under ICMR-Extramural Ad hoc Project - Civil Engineering  02-03-2023
Shortlisted Candidates for RA position in Chemistry 27-02-2023
Interview Notice for Research Assistant in Chemistry 13-02-2023
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under SERB-DST Sponsored Project 06-02-2023
Research Associate Position in Department of Chemistry 06-02-2023
Advertisement for RA in Chemistry 28-01-2023
Advertisement for Research Assistant for JK Science Technology & Innovation Council DST Funded Research Project 12-12-20222
List of Eligible/Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of CRS Project Fellow - 2D superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenides 06-10-2022
List of Eligible/Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of JRF under AWaDH - SpINe Funded Research Project of IIT Ropar 21-09-2022
List of Eligible/ Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of JRF Seismic Wave-based Tools for the Characterization of Small-Strain Stiffness,Damping and Anisotropy of Soils in the Laboratory 08-09-2022
Advertisement for a CRS Project Fellow recruitment under UGC-DAE CSR Project 29-08-2022
JRF Recruitment under DST-SERB sponsored project in Civil Engineering Department 25-08-2022
Corrigendum Notice for  the post of JRF under AWaDH - a SpINe funded research project of IIT Ropar 05-08-2022
Eligible/Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of JRF under AWaDH – SpINe Funded Research Project of IIT Ropar 22-07-2022
Advertisement for JRF recruitment under the department of CSE, NIT Srinagar, sponsored by AWaDH - SpiNE Project of IIT Ropar 09-07-2022
List of Eligible - Not Eligible Candidates for the post of CRS Project Fellow
Corrigendum Notice : Advertisement for JRF recruitment under Agriculture & Water Technology
Development Hub (AWaDH) - SpiNE Project of IIT Ropar
Advertisement for a CRS Project Fellow recruitment under UGC-DAE CSR Project 03-Jun-2022
Advertisement for JRF recruitment under Hub (AWaDH) - SpiNE Project of IIT Ropar 28-May-2022
Notice regarding shortlisting and Interview schedule for JRF Chemistry 19-May-2022
Eligibility and Interview Schedule for Project Associate-I 17-May-2022
Advertisement for Project Associate-I under DBT Sponsored Project 08-May-2022
Advertisement for JRF Chemistry under DST-SERB Project 18-Apr-2022
Interview/Eligible list of Research Assistant for DST sponsored project 05-Apr-2022
Advertisement for the Post of JRF under DST-SERB Sponsored Project - Department of Civil Engineering 31-Mar-2022
Shortlisted candidates for RA position under DSIR project (A2KS-11011/11/2021-IRD(SC)-DSIR) 28-Mar-2022
Advertisement for JRF in Information Technology Engineering under SERB-SRG project 01-Mar-2022
Advertisement for Research Assistant JK Science Technology Innovation Council (JKST&IC) DST Funded Project 21-Feb-2022
Interview Notice for Engagement of Research Assistants/Research Associates for JKSTIC-DST 14-Jan-2022
RA in Mathematics | Towards Prevention of Counterfeiting Saffron Quality by Smart Contract:
A way Forward Through Blockchain.
RA in ECE | Recognition of Identical Twins using Fusion of Multi- Biometric Traits 09-Dec-2021
RA Mechanical Engineering | Conversion of bio-oils cultivated in J&K to lubricants by enhancing tribological characteristics 08-Dec-2021
RA Chemistry | Synthesis of Natural Product Based Polymer Composites as Antimicrobial Entities 08-Dec-2021
RA Chemistry | Synthesis, characterization and development of nanocomposite sensors for heavy metal ions 08-Dec-2021
Short Listed Candidates for JRF Position in the Electronics & Communication Department 16-Sep-2021
Short Listed Candidates for RA Position in the Chemistry Department 06-Sep-2021 
Advertisement for JRF in Electronics & Communication Engineering under SERB project (P3HT: PCBM)  28-Aug-2021
Application form for JRF in Electronics & Communication Engineering under SERB project (P3HT: PCBM) 28-Aug-2021
Application are invited for the Post of Research Associate in Department of Chemistry 30-Jul-2021
Results for JRF in EED ( Under DST-SERB Project) 21-Jun-2021
Shortlisted candidates for JRF Position under SERB-CRG Project(Electrical Engineering Department) 18-May-2021
Advertisement for JRF in EE Dept (under DST-SERB Project) | Application Form 21-Apr-2021
Advertisement for JRF in EE Dept (under DST-SERB Project) 21-Apr-2021